Sunday, December 19, 2010

i'm gonna make it

i'm gonna make it
i'm gonna be strong
to reach it
the aim that is waiting for me to give it a strike...

no turning back
to the past
that already left
though it is pain..

it will all be worth
with what had happen

if i can make it
right now
which will lead me
on the future..

as long as tomorrow is still there
for me
to still have the hope

i'm gonna make it
to be more stonger than before

i wanna keep the tears
not to flow right now
but until the goal is reach
then i will allow it

to keep the pace constantly
till the end of the race

i'm gonna fight
in this battle

not just waiting for the goal to come
but to run to it

i'm gonna make it


Raji and Yeen said...

hashiridase~ hashiridase~
go for it ;D
inshaAllah u will..

yuzuki said...

thanx :)
eh,mcm lagu arashi la...
ade lirik lagu hashiridase~ hashiridase~
dalam cerita yamada taro kot..
haha :D

Sunday, December 19, 2010

i'm gonna make it

i'm gonna make it
i'm gonna be strong
to reach it
the aim that is waiting for me to give it a strike...

no turning back
to the past
that already left
though it is pain..

it will all be worth
with what had happen

if i can make it
right now
which will lead me
on the future..

as long as tomorrow is still there
for me
to still have the hope

i'm gonna make it
to be more stonger than before

i wanna keep the tears
not to flow right now
but until the goal is reach
then i will allow it

to keep the pace constantly
till the end of the race

i'm gonna fight
in this battle

not just waiting for the goal to come
but to run to it

i'm gonna make it


Raji and Yeen said...

hashiridase~ hashiridase~
go for it ;D
inshaAllah u will..

yuzuki said...

thanx :)
eh,mcm lagu arashi la...
ade lirik lagu hashiridase~ hashiridase~
dalam cerita yamada taro kot..
haha :D